Please note that during times of adverse weather, safety - your's and our's - is our main concern. When local schools move to an online-only model or cancel/delay school we will generally delay our store opening until 10AM. If the local schools releases early for adverse weather, then we will close no later than 5PM. Further more - if our shipping carriers all pick up early or cancel their pickup/delivery services, we may also close ealry. While we generally do not close our store for weather - it may happen. Check our website often during adverse weather conditions to detmine our open status or changes to our schedule.
In Adverse Weather Conditions our Carriers (FedEx, USPS & DHL) may pick up early. This includes bad weather in other parts of their network - for example, if FedEx experiences problems at their main hub in Memphis, TN, then they may pick up early from us.
There are only 6 days a year that all carriers take off - New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. However, we may opt to close for a 3 day weekend around any of those holidays.
The US Postal Service has additional days they do not work; for example, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents Day, Veterans Day, etc. When there is a US Postal Service Holiday, but FedEx & UPS are still running, we may choose to close at 5pm.
For more information, check our home page ticker or Facebook.